The Google Data Analysis Professional Certificate is a must have for every entry-level data analyst.
It is beginner-friendly, has extensively rich practical content and of high market demand.
It costs $49/mo but here’s how you can get it for free:

Follow the below steps;
Visit and create an account or log in if you already have an account. We suggest you do it on your PC, as you might not be able to access the Financial Aid from your phone browser or the mobile app.
STEP 2. After logging in, click on the search bar and type in ‘Google Data Analytics’ and select the first result. It might pop up without typing anything as it is an extremely popular course.
STEP 3. On the page that pops up, you’d find ‘FINANCIAL AID AVAILABLE’ just beside ‘Enroll For Free’. Click on the financial aid button. NB: You might not see the financial aid button if you access the site with your phone or if you’ve enrolled for the free trial already.
STEP 4. When you click on financial aid, this screen pops up. Letting you know that it takes at least 15 days to be reviewed and that there are 8 courses in the program. Click on ‘Continue to the application’.
STEP 5. Another screen pops up to show you the 8 courses in the program. This financial aid application is for the first course only, so you would need to repeat the process for the 7 other courses. Don’t fret, you can just copy and paste. Click ‘Next’ after selecting ‘Course 1’
STEP 6. The application page comes up. The whole essence of this is for you to let them know you can’t afford the fees, and how the course will help you push your career forward. So act broke, you most likely are if you’re in Nigeria, so be so be yourself! No shades.
STEP 7. Also do not tell too many lies like you have to go and hunt a leopard in order to feed your siblings. Just be sincere about not being able to afford it and how the certificate could be your hope of leaving the trenches. Don’t worry about the first question here, you won’t pay
STEP 8. After you submit the application, it takes you back to the course homepage. So you have to click on courses, and then select the second course in order to apply for financial aid for that too. You would have to repeat the same process for the 8 courses.
STEP 9. After clicking on the second course, click on financial aid again and repeat the process. You can copy your first application and just paste it for the 7 other courses.
STEP 10. That’s it, you’re done. Congrats in advance. After you get the scholarship, please endeavor to see it through because it costs some people money to provide that. You’re well on your way to being a badass Data Analyst. we are rooting for you. Cheers!
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Do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
Google Data Analysis.